Postcards from the Past
The captions are from the back of the postcards and may not reflect current information.
The captions are from the back of the postcards and may not reflect current information.
DEFUNIAK SPRINGS, FLA., March 12, 1890. Leaving home on Christmas day, which in old St Clairsville was ushered in by the roar of Jackson crackers and the hurrying and scurrying and the hilarity of the small boy, which may not have been in honor of our leaving, but simply, I… Continue reading
From The Florida Forest Service was one of a succession of state offices responsible for overseeing the commercial, industrial, and natural resources of Florida’s forests. The Florida Forest Service was established in 1928, succeeding the Florida Board of Forestry. It cooperated with federal and state agencies, counties, towns, corporations,… Continue reading
In one of her “Bits and Pieces of Walton County History” columns, Anna Reardon wrote: “Wallace Bruce was born in Hillsdale, N.Y. on January 10, 1844. He was well-educated, graduating with honors from Yale University about 1868. . . . He married Anna Becker of Scodak Depot, N.Y. about 1870…. Continue reading
The following item appeared in the St. Paul Daily Globe on March 5, 1885: At the Lake de Funiak, Fla., ministerial convention, the subject of the lecture delivered by REV. N. M. WOODS of Charlotte, N.C., was “The American Sabbath–Shall We Allow It to Perish?” It is not the American… Continue reading
The following item appeared in The Chipley Banner on February 26, 1898: Rev. Madison C. Peters of New York City delivered a beautiful and impressive sermon at the tabernacle Sunday. The music was very pretty also. At 3 o’clock a memorial service was held in honor of Colonel W. D…. Continue reading
This item appeared in The Chipley Banner on March 11, 1899: VETERANS’ DAY AT CHAUTAUQUA SATURDAY, MARCH 18. Veterans, don’t forget this day; it will be a day of pleasure to you: the Veterans will have charge of the great Tabernacle from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. A special program… Continue reading
The following item appeared in The Pensacola Journal on March 27, 1908: Daughters and Veterans at DeFuniak. “A large excursion came to DeFuniak Springs on Veterans’ Day, in spite of the inclement weather Friday night, and were rewarded by having an unusually delightful weather and a strong program. The morning… Continue reading
The following report appeared in The San Jose Scale: Its Occurrences in the United States by L. O. Howard and C. L. Marlatt, published in Washington by the Government Printing Office, 1896, pages 19-20. Prof. Rolfs was in charge of the experiment station in DeFuniak Springs when he discovered the… Continue reading
William Jennings Bryan was one among many nationally famous people who spoke at the Florida Chautauqua. [Contributed by Robert Daniel]