The following item appeared in The Pensacola Journal on March 27, 1908:
Daughters and Veterans at DeFuniak.
“A large excursion came to DeFuniak Springs on Veterans’ Day, in spite of the inclement weather Friday night, and were rewarded by having an unusually delightful weather and a strong program. The morning hour was under the command of Brigadier General Samuel Pasco, with Brigadier General C. Davant as orator, with an address of welcome by Mayor Campbell, one by President Bruce, a short address by Senator Broome, and one by C. V. Thompson. In the afternoon an interesting program was given by the Daughters of the Confederacy, under the auspices of Mrs. Wilson, president of the Pensacola Chapter; a reading by Miss Olga White, solo, “Tenting To-night on the Old Camp Ground,” by Miss Missouri Cawthon, which was heartily encored, a duet by Miss Olga White and Miss Beatrice White, and a violin solo, “Way Down Upon the Suwannee River,” by Mrs. Alice Carrico. At the close of this hour an informal reception was held in the parlors of the Hotel Chautauqua by the Daughters of the Confederacy and many of the veterans, and strangers, as well as the people of DeFuniak were present at this hour.”
[Contributed by Robert Daniel]
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