Postcards from the Past
The captions are from the back of the postcards and may not reflect current information.
The captions are from the back of the postcards and may not reflect current information.
This uniform, which was worn during World War I, was donated by Chris King, the grandson of Rubye Burton.
Undated photograph of the monument on the grounds of the Walton County Courthouse. [Contributed by Bruce Cosson]
Charles M. Smith, who served with the First Massachusetts Cavalry, presented a paper to the Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, which was published in 1894 as part of the Society’s series, Personal Narratives of Events in the War of the Rebellion. Smith’s paper, From Andersonville to Freedom, tells… Continue reading
The following item appeared in The Chipley Banner on March 11, 1899: CONFEDERATE REUNION. Headquarters First Florida Brigade, U. C. V. Pensacola, Fla., Feb. 22, 1899. General Order No. 4: The Brigadier-Gen. commanding announces that the second reunion of the First Brigade, Florida Division, U. C. V., will take place… Continue reading
The following item appeared in The Pensacola Journal on March 27, 1908: Daughters and Veterans at DeFuniak. “A large excursion came to DeFuniak Springs on Veterans’ Day, in spite of the inclement weather Friday night, and were rewarded by having an unusually delightful weather and a strong program. The morning… Continue reading