The advertisement below is from The American Angler, January 24, 1885, page 63. The Pensacola and Atlantic Railroad ceased to exist and was incorporated into the Louisville & Nashville Railroad in July 1885.
Gulf Coast (all rail) Route
The Pensacola, Fla. (Pensacola and Atlantic Railroad). The only route from the North and East through Florida. It is
The Florida Route to the Exposition,
Via Washington Richmond, Savannah, Pensacola, with Pullman’s Buffet Sleepers: Washington to New Orleans without change.
From the West and Northwest,
The Exposition Route to Florida,
Via New Orleans, Pensacola, Tallahassee
For the Huntsman and Angler
Are at the [Chautauqua] Hotel, Lake De Funiak, Fla. Stop over [tickets] at Lake De Funiak given upon application to conductor the woods abound with turkey, deer, squirrels and quail. Adjacent waters swarm with fish, and the wild duck sports upon their placid surface. For further information address
F. C. SHEPHERD, Gen. Pass. Agent,
W. D. CHIPLEY, General Supt.
[Contributed by Robert Daniel]
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