Forward Movement Is Still Going Strong in DeFuniak

DEFUNIAK SPRINGS, Sept. 6 — (Special).–DeFuniak Springs continues to move forward. The pace: The Hygeia people will put in a large plant to manufacture, bottle and distribute their product, Coca-Cola. This plant will supply Crestview, Chlpley and surrounding towns, and DeFuniak Springs and Walton county. Daily capacity 1,20O cases. The… Continue reading

470 Circle Drive, DeFuniak Springs

This Colonial Home was built in 1887 for Edward D. Holton. During the years 1894 to 1908, it was owned by four different families. The Thomas Industrial Institution, an early educational facility, purchased the house for its president in 1915. In 1919, Mr. and Mrs. M. E Savage purchased the… Continue reading

Gulf Coast (all rail) Route

The advertisement below is from The American Angler, January 24, 1885, page 63. The Pensacola and Atlantic Railroad ceased to exist and was incorporated into the Louisville & Nashville Railroad in July 1885. Gulf Coast (all rail) Route The Pensacola, Fla. (Pensacola and Atlantic Railroad). The only route from the… Continue reading