Colonial Chipley Memorial Service

The following item appeared in The Chipley Banner on February 26, 1898: Rev. Madison C. Peters of New York City delivered a beautiful and impressive sermon at the tabernacle Sunday. The music was very pretty also. At 3 o’clock a memorial service was held in honor of Colonel W. D…. Continue reading

Gulf Coast (all rail) Route

The advertisement below is from The American Angler, January 24, 1885, page 63. The Pensacola and Atlantic Railroad ceased to exist and was incorporated into the Louisville & Nashville Railroad in July 1885. Gulf Coast (all rail) Route The Pensacola, Fla. (Pensacola and Atlantic Railroad). The only route from the… Continue reading

Early Plans for St. Agatha’s Episcopal Church

The following is from the “Report of the Archdeacon of the Western Convocation” from the Journal of the Forty-sixth Annual Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Florida, held in Fernandina, Florida, May 1 – 4, 1889, page 22. The Archdeacon was P. H. Whaley. The DeFuniak… Continue reading