Houses for the Gulf States

From The American Architect and Building News, April 5, 1884, page 165

LAKE DE FUNIAK, FLORIDA, March 21, 1884.

Dears Sirs,–As yet the South has developed no artistic style of architecture suited to its climate, but has copied from buildings designed for and used in colder climes, which are unsuited, and by no means appropriate for southern latitudes. Permit me to suggest to your architects, through your journal, a new field for their genius; namely, designs for villas and cottages suited for Florida and the Gulf States, to cost from $500 to $15,000. With lumber here at $10 to $12 per thousand, buildings should be constructed at low rates. No cellars are used here, and kitchens should be detached from ten to twelve feet from the main building. Plenty of piazza room is also a necessity. It is considered desirable to ceil living-rooms with our resinous pine. There are cases known of consumption being cured by living in rooms ceiled with our fat pine.

While we have a delightful summer climate here, free from malaria and mosquitoes; with nights throughout the whole summer sufficiently cool to render a pair of blankets very comfortable and necessary, our winter evenings require fire, and the consumptives who come here for health from the North require artificial heat in their rooms for the first few weeks after their arrival. I mention this for the information of gentlemen who may desire to utilize my suggestions in designing homes for the Florida and southern climate. The Hon. C. C. Banfill, of Lake de Funiak, Florida, desires to build several modern cottages, and might be addressed by those interested. Mr. Banfill will make a sort of winter Elberon at Lake de Funiak.

[Contributed by Robert Daniel]

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